Your generosity has been a blessing to Most Holy Trinity Church throughout this past year.
Ministry Highlights
Our church community is growing, and you can be a part of this exciting journey. This is your parish—a gift that you will pass on to your children and grandchildren. You are an integral part of this community, and this is your church. Together, we build a legacy of faith for future generations.
Our parish is blessed to use your contributions to grow spiritually, deepen our faith, and
serve others in the following ways:
Nurturing the faith of 584 children in religious education.

Masses, with an average Sunday attendance of 3,200.

Supporting 14 weddings
Welcoming 92 baptisms
celebrating 161 First Communions
Providing spiritual comfort at 44 funerals.
strengthening 122 youth through Confirmation
Forming adults in faith, with 18 adults completing the RCIA program
Assisting those in need through the Food Pantry and St. Vincent de Paul, which supports over 400 households weekly with groceries and utility or rent
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Completed Projects:
Stained-glass windows installation: Completed
Creation of a dedicated Adoration space at St. Ignatius Chapel.
Installation of Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue in Trinity Center Plaza
A Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Vietnamese St. Joseph the Workers Group, led by Paul Nguyen, for their remarkable dedication and hard work in completing the installations of the St. Ignatius Chapel, the Marian Shrine, and The Sacred Heart of Jesus statue. They embodied the spirit of St. Joseph in their skillful craftsmanship and unwavering devotion. Their contributions will bless our parish for generations to come. We blessed the chapel on Thanksgiving, Thursday Nov. 28, 2024.
The Vietnamese St. Joseph the Worker Group’s commitment to these projects – working tirelessly, often late into the night – reflects an extraordinary level of faith, love, and service to our parish community. Through their efforts, not only have these beautiful spaced space been brought to life, but their labor has also resulted in significant cost savings for the parish.
Thank you to all of our contributors. This is your community space. If you have not contributed already, please prayerfully consider contributing to this project.
Ongoing and Upcoming Projects:
Vestibule Renovation and Restroom Expansion: as soon as permits from the City of San Jose are granted we will begin this exciting project.
Trinity Center Roof Maintenance
Church HVAC System Installation: This installation is essential to address the
heat inside the church and ensure year-round comfort for parishioners.
Thank you, again!
The parish and all of our sacred spaces—our church, our grounds, and the places where we come together in prayer and fellowship—are not just bricks and mortar; they belong to you, to your families, and to all who call this parish home. These holy places are here for you to find peace, renewal, and strength in the presence of the Lord. You and your loved ones are always welcome to come and enjoy the blessings of our shared faith.
As we continue to grow in faith and community, please know how much we value your involvement and how grateful we are for your commitment. May God continue to bless you and your families abundantly.