The Sacred Space of Most Holy Trinity
Even before you enter the church, from the Cunningham side, you see the magnificent facade with the image of the Trinity, modeled after the icon created by the Russian painter Andrei Rublev. This is the most famous icon of the Trinity.

Inside the church proper, the old circular nuclear sign has been replaced by the striking image of the Holy Spirit, directly below which on the floor will be our new baptismal font, which is part of our vestibule renovation. Both the Rose window of the Holy Spirit above and the baptismal font below represent Jesus’s baptism, the event in which all the three persons of the Trinity are present.
Once you enter the interior of the church, nilly willy, your eyes will be drawn toward the sanctuary. The centerpiece panel of the sanctuary is made of oyster shell tiles in off white color, symbolizing the brilliant white garment of Jesus occurring in the transfiguration. The only other event in Jesus’ life in which all three persons of the Trinity appeared.
At the middle of the centerpiece panel is the crucifix, the tabernacle, and on the same line of sight is the altar. These three elements – the crucifix, the tabernacle, and the altar – make up the essence of the mysteries of salvation, reenacted at every Mass.

All around the walls of the church are 28 stained-glass windows. The flowing lines of the windows symbolize the movement of the Holy Spirit, the animator and the protector of the mystical body of Christ, the Church. These winds of the spirit on both sides converge again towards the sanctuary. Amid the winds of the spirit are two gorgeous scenes of the Holy Family, which is the incarnation of the Second Person of the Trinity, and the Great Commissioning of the Apostles, which is the continuation of the mission of Jesus Christ.

The vestibule will be remodeled soon. Following the vestibule will be the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, the Prayer Garden, the landscape, and a Marian Grotto for young families. We thank you for your generous contributions to the beautification of our sacred space. You have provided an environment to deepen prayer for generations to come.
Fr. Duc Vu, Pastor