Sacrament of Marriage

Congratulations on your engagement! This time marks the beginning of an adventure where your mutual life goal is the well-being, joy, and holiness of your spouse. Through the Sacrament of Matrimony, God’s love becomes present to you in your total commitment to each other.
Here are some guidelines to help you plan the wedding:
In addition to planning your wedding, it is very important to set aside at least 6-9 months of quality time for lifelong marriage preparation. It will give you time to prepare the necessary documents, attend the marriage preparation classes and reflect deeply about the lifelong commitment you will be making.
Please call the parish office (408-729-0101) and speak to one of our priests or deacons to set up an appointment. At that time, he will check the availability of your planned wedding date.
Please note that the wedding date is not confirmed until the deposit is received. Fee and deposit information is found below. Please DO NOT make any arrangements for events that depend on the wedding until the deposit is paid and the wedding date is confirmed.
issued within a six-month period prior to the wedding date. Contact the church
where you were baptized, give them your name, the (approximate) date of your
Baptism, the name of your father and the maiden name of your mother.
If you are not Catholic, please speak to the priest/deacon about this requirement.
- You are considered a registered parishioner if you have been in our records for at least six months. During that time, you should have been making donations with a set frequency (e.g. weekly, monthly) or have been actively involved with at least one of our ministries.
- The wedding date will not be confirmed until the deposit is received. The balance should be paid at least one month before the wedding.
Other possible situations:
A Convalidation is for couples who are civilly married but would like their marriage validated (consecrated) in the Catholic Church. Same process applies as above.
Marriage Preparation Only
If you will be celebrating your wedding at another parish but need your documentation prepared at Most Holy Trinity, the fee is $500.
Marriage of a Catholic to a Non-Catholic
Please make an appointment with one of our priests.
If you’d like to print this handy checklist, click here for English – Spanish – Vietnamese